Receiving Surgical Care at RVH

Referrals and appointments
We gladly accept referrals from family doctors for patients who live in the greater Renfrew county area.
Please fax referrals to: 613-432-5054 or send them to us through EPIC if you are connected to our Electronic Medical Record.
Once we receive your referral, we notify patients within 2 weeks by mail of receipt of the referral and the approximate waiting time. Our office administrator will call you with your appointment date and time. If you have not heard from us and/or have questions, please call: 613-432-7201.
Before your surgery
You will generally meet with either Dr. Rekman or Carver before your surgery in our Surgical Services clinic on the 3rd floor of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital (just above the operating rooms).
We will give you instructions regarding your procedure and the expected post-operative course at this pre-operative appointment. On this website, there are additional resources that pertain to your procedure which we may reference at your appointment.
If you have been referred directly for a colonoscopy or endoscopy by your family physician, we will meet you on the day of your procedure in the pre-operative area on the 2nd floor.
On the day of your surgery
Please check in at the pre-operative surgery desk on the 2nd floor of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital on the date of your procedure. We do ask you to arrive 1-2 hours before your procedure so that the nurses have time to check you in, review your medications with you, and allow time for you to meet with our anesthesiologist. We appreciate your time, as this process is done for your safety and to provide high quality care.
On the day of your surgery/procedure please bring:
- A current list of your medications with dosages OR all of your pill bottles with labels.
- A friend or family member who can pick you up and give you a ride home after if you’re having a day surgery.
- An empty stomach – your stomach needs to be empty at the time of your surgery to prevent you from vomiting during any sedation or anesthetic. When you get a call about your surgery time, the scheduler will tell you when to stop eating and drinking.
- Your CPAP machine if you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is very helpful for us if you can bring this machine with you as it has your personal settings. It is much better for your post operative recovery as well.
- Any questions you may have remaining about the procedure. We will do our best to answer them for you, however if you think they may alter whether or not you would like the procedure performed, please contact us before the day of surgery.
Post-surgery care & recovery
When we meet you before your surgery, we will outline whether your procedure is a day surgery (meaning you leave the hospital the same day as your procedure), or whether you will remain an inpatient for a few days afterward. Lengths of stay in hospital vary depending on the procedure and reason for admission.
Visiting hours & parking
Renfrew Victoria Hospital visiting hours in all areas of the hospital are between 11:30 am and 8:30 pm daily.
Renfrew Victoria Hospital’s visiting policies have been established to assist with the well being of the patients. The Hospital must ensure that the patient does not become overtired, or susceptible to infections, or that neighbouring patients are not unduly disturbed. Visiting policies and parking information can be found here.