Welcome to RVH


  • Family is a group of individuals with a continuing legal, genetic and/or emotional relationship. Patients define their “family” and how they will be involved in care, care planning, and decision making. RVH respects and values family as integral partners in providing excellent care.
  • Guests are visitors of the patient or family.

Guest Guidelines

Public visitors/guests are welcome from 1130 to 2030 hours (11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.) daily. Families are welcome 24 hours a day according to patient preference or Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) where applicable and at the discretion of the unit. Visitors are restricted to two (2) per patient at a time. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult (over age 18).

Visitor Policy:

  • All visitors must check in at the Nursing Station on the inpatient unit they are visiting: 613-432-4851 Medical/Surgical ext 258; SCU ext 231; CCCU x ext 280
  • Cover cough/sneezes and wash hands after.
  • Masks are encouraged but are no longer mandatory. Masks are available at all entrances and in all units and departments. Please note that, in the event of a respiratory illness outbreak, masking may be reinstated in the impacted area for the duration of the outbreak. If visitors have any respiratory symptoms, masking is required.
  • Patients attending outpatient settings should wear a mask if feeling unwell. Caregivers and visitors should follow the direction of signage posted at the entrance to a patient's room and wear a mask and/or other safety equipment as indicated. All caregivers and visitors who are feeling unwell should delay their visit.
  • Family and guests who are feeling unwell; have an infection; or have any of the following symptoms should not come to the hospital: fever, cough, sore throat, headache, shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Proof of vaccination is not required however vaccination is encouraged.
  • Visitors must perform hand hygiene (handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer) when entering and leaving the facility and the patient’s room.
  • In situations where there are shared rooms, or in some areas in the hospital where patients have special needs, consideration will be given to the other patients and their families.
  • To ensure safety, consideration will also be given to the physical limitations of the space.
  • Visits may be interrupted to protect the privacy rights of other patients or to maintain safety and security.
  • Between 20:00 and 06:30 hours, family members are asked to enter through the Emergency Department entrance.If family is visiting during these hours, please report to Admitting/Switchboard to sign in with the Registration Staff so they can alert the inpatient unit there are visitors.

Visiting Patients wth Respiratory Illnesses

Visitation with patients who have contagious illnesses will be limited to essential caregivers only. Staff and visitors will be required to wear the appropriate personal protective wear when visiting patients with contagious symptoms. 

Personal Belongings

To support a safe patient care and work environment, essential personal belongings for patients (for activities of daily living) will be permitted into the hospital. However, we ask that you follow the directions below:

  • Items should be clearly marked with the patient’s name.
  • Please remember the hospital is not responsible for lost or damaged items. Valuables should always be left at home.  

Essential Care Partner brochure (PDF) 

Visitor Policy January 2025