
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - AODA
Renfrew Victoria Hospital is committed to excellence in serving all patients/clients. In order to ensure that people with disabilities have appropriate access to health care services at Renfrew Victoria Hospital, and in order to comply with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), the Renfrew Victoria Hospital has been very active in recent years identifying barriers, removing barriers and preventing the creation of new barriers.
The Hospital is guided by its commitment to fostering a safe, healthy, positive and inclusive environment that respects the personal worth, dignity and diversity of each Individual. As such, our goal is to eliminate barriers to the goods, services, and employment opportunities provided by Renfrew Victoria Hospital.
At Renfrew Victoria Hospital, we are committed to ensuring our programs and services are completely accessible to all members of the community. If you are coming to the Hospital and have special needs, please see Community Accessibility Information section of this page.
If you are an employee at Renfrew Victoria Hospital and require assistance in the event of an emergency, please contact Occupational Health & Safety at x192 to discuss an individualized emergency response plan for yourself.
Renfrew Victoria Hospital Accessibility Plan
RVH reviews and updates our accessibility plan at least once every 5 years as well as an annual status report and bi-annual compliance report.
2023-2027 Accessibility Plan
Accessibility Plan - Annual Update 2022
Community Accessibility Information
Patients or visitors requiring accommodation should advise staff at the point of registration or upon the appointment booking. Staff will accommodate the patient/visitors needs in accordance with our policies.
Accessible Information
The Hospital will use a variety of formats as required to support information, dissemination and dialogue with persons with disabilities. Accessible formats and communication supports will be determined in consultation with the individual.
Documents and policies under the AODA Customer Service Standard will be provided to a person with a disability in a mutually agreed format that takes into account the person’s disability. This information will be provided as soon as possible.
If any emergency procedures, plans or public safety information are made available to the public, they will be provided to a person with a disability in a mutually agreed upon format that takes into account the person’s disability, as required by the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards. This information will be provided as soon as practicable.
If you have any questions, or for copies or alternative format, please contact Alison Green, 613-432-4851 ext. 275 or fax 613-432-8649.
For the Hearing Impaired
Telecommunications devices for people who are hearing-impaired (such as Pocket Talkers and other assistive devices) are available to patients.If you require an assistive device, please inform the clinic/unit staff in advance of your visit to Renfrew Victoria Hospital, and they will make the necessary arrangements.
Language Interpreters
If you would like to arrange to have an interpreter who speaks your language, including a sign language interpreter, please inform the clinic/unit staff in advance of your visit to Renfrew Victoria Hospital and they will make the necessary arrangements at no charge to you.
Service Animals
Your service animal is welcome to accompany you to your appointments. If you will be admitted to Hospital, please inform the clinic/unit staff in advance of your admission to ensure that your service animal can be accommodated, and that the appropriate arrangements are made. Please note that there may be situations where alternate plans need to be made, but every effort will be made to accommodate the use of your service animal.
Patient Escorts
If you need assistance in getting to your destination while visiting Renfrew Victoria Hospital, please ask for a volunteer to assist you at our Admitting/Registration desk.
Service disruption
In the event of temporary disruptions at our facilities and services, the Hospital will make reasonable effort to provide advance notice of the disruption to the public, including information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, if any, that may be available. The notice will be made available by posting the information on the premises and/or posted on the Hospital’s website or by such other method as is reasonable under the circumstances. In the event of an unexpected disruption, advance notice will not be possible. In such cases, the Hospital will provide notice as soon as possible.
Procuring or Acquiring Accessible Goods and Services
To ensure that we receive accessible hospital goods and services from third-party contractors, accessibility criteria has been incorporated into the general terms and conditions of all Request for Proposals (RFPs) done on behalf of the Hospital. An information letter for vendors about their responsibilities to people with disabilities is also available.
Accessibility Training
All employees or volunteers with RVH; persons who participate in developing RVH policies; and all other persons who provide goods, services, or facilities on behalf of RVH are required to receive training on the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.
Wheelchair information and Maps for Renfrew Victoria Hospital
First floor:
Second floor:
Third floor:
You can find wheelchairs, including bariatric wheelchairs at both the Emergency and Dialysis entrances.
Wheelchair accessible washrooms for visitors are located on the following areas: main corridor by the Gift Shop entrance; the main washroom in ER between the clinic door and switchboard; on the second floor nephrology wing in the hallway and in the nephrology clinic; and the single stall washroom in the ER hallway between switchboard and triage.
Accessibility Information for Employees
Accommodation, Communication, and Accessible Formats
RVH is an equal opportunity employer, committed to meeting needs under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom and the Ontario Human Rights Code. Our recruitment process follows the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act in order to provide a fair and equitable process for all candidates. Applicants requiring accommodation through the recruitment/interview process are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Department at (613) 432-4851 for assistance.
RVH notifies job applicants that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes being used. If a selected applicant requests an accommodation, RVH consults with the applicant to take into account the accessibility needs. Employees are informed of policies used to support employees with disabilities when a new policy is created or modified.
Workplace Accommodation
Employees with a disability will require a Workplace Accommodation plan which outlines their specific workplace accommodations required to do their job efficiently, independently and safely. The employee with the disability is required to work collaboratively with Occupational Health & Safety and their Supervisor, as well as Union if applicable, in order to prepare a Workplace Accommodation plan. In addition an Employee Workplace Emergency Response Plan will be prepared and reviewed, as part of the accommodation plan, if necessary
Return to Work
Renfrew Victoria Hospital has an Early and Safe Return to Work program to ensure employees have a safe transition back to work after an illness or accident. If required, a Workplace Accommodation plan will be developed for the employee. See Information for Sick or Injured Workers page.
Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement
When developing and implementing tools related to evaluating and managing an employee’s performance, Renfrew Victoria Hospital takes into consideration the accessibility needs of our employees with disabilities and their individualized accommodation plans. The same principle applies when providing career development and advancement opportunities to employees with disabilities.
When an employee with a disability is redeployed to a different position, department, or facility, any accessibility needs, along with their individualized accommodation plan, are taken into consideration.