View interior maps of each floor
Office locations
A gated parking system is in place at RVH.
Parking rate is $1.00 per hour to a maximum daily rate of $5.00.
The three gates are located:
- past the emergency entrance on Raglan Street
- at the Hospice entrance on Albert Street
- at the back parking lot behind ER on Grigg Street
Payment (cash, credit card) can be made at one of the pay machines OR by credit card only at the exit gate.
The pay machines are located in:
- Nephrology centre entrance
- Clinic (ambulatory care) entrance near registration
- Administration entrance
- Medical Building, 500 Raglan Street
Other notes
- If you forget your pass in your vehicle you can pay by credit card at the gate as you exit.
- There is a lost ticket option at the pay station. In this case the maximum $5.00 would be paid.
- A 20-minute grace period will be allowed for pick-up and drop-off. Should you go past 20 minutes you will have to pay the hourly fee.
- If you need to leave and come back you will have to pay each time you come and leave. You will only be charged for the time you use. If you want to purchase a day pass for the maximum $5.00 amount, you will have that option at the pay station.
- You are free to park in any of the lots where space is available. Please respect the designated “patient parking only” and handicapped signage.
- You have an option to purchase a 30 day pass for $20.00 at the pay station. This will give you unlimited access to parking in any lot for 30 days from the date of purchase. You must keep your pass to use at the exit gates.
Parking proceeds
RVH maintains and operates the gated parking system. Proceeds stay with RVH and are used to offset costs of maintaining the parking lots year round. This allows more funds to be available for patient programs and services at RVH.
The Town of Renfrew has changed the parking designation on Raglan Street, North to permit only parking. This means that there is NO PARKING on Raglan Street, North unless you have a permit issued by the Town of Renfrew. The Town will enforce parking on Raglan Street and will issue tickets for vehicles without a permit. Enforcement and parking tickets on Raglan Street are independent from RVH and inquiries regarding permit only parking or tickets issued on Raglan Street North should be directed to the Town of Renfrew at 613-432-4848.
Metered 2 hour parking on Grigg Street will continue. These spaces are intended for ER patients.
Should a visitor encounter any difficulty, please contact the Finance Office in the Hospital.
For the safety of our staff, patients and visitors, we are committed to keeping all emergency services routes clear of parked vehicles.
Interior maps
1st floor

2nd floor
3rd floor